
How to Register

Delegate Registration Form (PDF)
General Registration Form (PDF)

Please download and complete the appropriate fillable registration form above. Please save your registration form once it is completed. After saving your registration form, you can submit your registration form in one of the following ways:

Email it to:

Print and mail it to:
John A. Costa
International President
Amalgamated Transit Union
10000 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20903-1706

Print and fax it to: 301-431-7117

Upload the registration form by clicking on the buttons below:


Once you have submitted your registration form, please make sure to mail your registration fees to the International office within 10 business days. If your payment is not received within 10 business days, your registration will become void.


How does it work?

Step 1:
Submit registration form by downloading and completing fillable PDF and submitting by email, mail, fax or uploading.

Step 2:
Submit payment of registration fees within 10 business days of submitting.

Step 3:
Receive confirmation of registration from International.

Step 4:
Travel to 59th ATU Convention with valid passport and credentials.


Pricing Information:
Check or money order payable to Amalgamated Transit Union must received within 10 business days. Send payment by mail to:

John A. Costa
International President
ATU International
10000 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20903

Registration confirmation/receipt will be sent to you by mail.

Pursuant to Section 6.2, the General Executive Board has enacted a registration fee of $175 for each delegate and guest ($50 for guests under 12 years of age).


ADA Accommodations
Any attendee and/or guest who has special needs requiring accommodations consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) must advise this office by August 1, 2019.


Hotel Rates
The convention hotel is the Paris Las Vegas Hotel. The daily guest room rate is: $159.00 for single or double (plus applicable tax).

You are responsible to provide a form of payment at check-in. Cancellations for room reservations must be made 48 hours prior to scheduled arrival. The local union or guest(s) will be responsible for all late cancellations. All reservation forms must be returned by August 1, 2019.


Email us at, or call the ATU International Executive Office at 301-431-7100.